Throned Upon the Awful Tree – Sheet Music and Accompaniment Track

Included with this background track:

  1.  Throned Upon the Awful Tree – Performance/Accompaniment Track (as a .wav file 44,100 Hz 16 bit audio)
  2. Throned Upon the Awful Tree– demonstration track mp3 (as recorded in With All My Heart)
  3. Throned Upon the Awful Tree – Performance track mp3 (as a 256 Kbps, 44,100 Hz 16 bit audio)
  4. Throned Upon the Awful Tree – Sheet music partitures for flute, violin, piano, score (in .pdf format)
  5. Standard Agreement

Traditional Melody, France and Wales.  Adapted by Hugh Davies, c. 1906 (1844-1907)  This arrangement Copyright © 1999 Advent Studio Recordings/David E. Gonzalez

…can be performed as a flute and violin duet, with the accompaniment track.  It can also be performed as a flute, violin and piano trio—with the included piano/score sheet music.


This was originally intended as a flute, violin and piano trio, to be performed without the accompaniment track.  The score for this trio will be included with the purchase of this download.  Listen to “Throned Upon the Awful Tree” by clicking the Youtube link provided here.












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