Please follow the links to explore the albums below.

On The Wings of Your Spirit

On The Wings Of Your Spirit – buy secure download album for $9.49

YPC – Your Precious Cross – buy entire album for $5.49

Original music composed and produced by David E. Gonzalez

Inspirational Flute Solos – buy entire album for $9.49

album cover to: Bach, Handel & Mozart Flute Sonatas

Bach, Handel & Mozart Flute Sonatas buy entire album for $8.95

The contrast between the Baroque and Classical style periods is represented here in both interpretation and instrumentation. And although, the same flute was used to play all of these pieces, the contrast is still evident. The baroque sonatas employ the use of harpsichord, while the Mozart selections use piano for accompaniment.  Originally for flute quartet, the sonata by Mozart uses a piano reduction for accompaniment.  The reduction itself is true to the original, although it was not personally reduced by Mozart.  As a bonus, two pieces from Die Zauberflöte, K. 620 are included. They serve as interlude between the baroque composers. 

 Johann Sebastian Bach, a prolific composer, saw himself as a dutiful craftsman. This recording was approached in the same manner. The idea here was to make, as much as possible, every aspect of each performance intentional.

…more titles coming soon!